
P6- Artist as a Mentor

1- Inspiration 2- Inspiration 3-Inspiration 1-Meatyard 3-Meatyard 4-Meatyard 2- Meatyard 4-Inspiration  

P5 Lighting

Contact Sheet Natural Outdoor Light Outdoor Environmental  Projector Portrait Triptych Studio Portrait Indoor Natural Light  


Name: Lillian Grebner Childhood Ambition: My childhood ambition was to become a marine biologist. Fondest Memory: Being able to spend time with my grandpa before he passed away. Proudest Moment: When I realized what I was called to do in life. Biggest Challenge: My biggest challenge has been to always believe in myself. I never want to put limits on the things I can do. Alarm Clock: During the swim season it’s 5:30; however, it is usually 7:45. Perfect Day: An ideal perfect day for me would be sitting outside in the sun with a cold ice coffee! Indulgence: COFFEE!! CHOCOLATE!! DONUTS!! Favorite Movie: Die Hard Soundtrack: Jack Johnson, Reggae music, Maverick City Music, Elevation Worship, Bethel Music Inspirations: My parents, grandparents, friends, and family My Life Is: Amazing and I am so grateful for every moment! God is good all the time!

Project 1

  photogram Positive print Photogram Photogram

P2 Compositions: Film Pictures

Contact Sheet Kelsey's Machine Work Pinhole Pinhole Bridge The door The Ward  

Project 4-Sense of Place

Two People Biking Goose Floating in Water Lonely Goat Pop Can in the Water RailRoad Tracks In this sense of place, I tried to capture the day-to-day moments that Wylie Park offers. My family and I live fairly close to Wylie and it has been a place that we like to go once in a while. In the first photo I captured the two people biking on the bike path in the depths of Wylie, while I was also on my bike. In the second photo, I took a picture of the goose that was all alone in the water floating around having a good time. I tried to capture the different colors and the ripples in the water. Goats are one of my favorite animals and I have always enjoyed watching their behaviors. In the picture of the lonely goat, I was trying to get the brightness out of the eyes and the tilting of the head. The pop can in the water was upsetting and that is why I took the photo. In the final photo, I took a picture of the railroad tracks. I had a lot of fun capturing all of these different moment because