Project 4-Sense of Place

Two People Biking

Goose Floating in Water

Lonely Goat

Pop Can in the Water

RailRoad Tracks

In this sense of place, I tried to capture the day-to-day moments that Wylie Park offers. My family and I live fairly close to Wylie and it has been a place that we like to go once in a while. In the first photo I captured the two people biking on the bike path in the depths of Wylie, while I was also on my bike. In the second photo, I took a picture of the goose that was all alone in the water floating around having a good time. I tried to capture the different colors and the ripples in the water. Goats are one of my favorite animals and I have always enjoyed watching their behaviors. In the picture of the lonely goat, I was trying to get the brightness out of the eyes and the tilting of the head. The pop can in the water was upsetting and that is why I took the photo. In the final photo, I took a picture of the railroad tracks. I had a lot of fun capturing all of these different moment because Wylie has been a place where my family likes to spend our time. 



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